Jesus’ Great Salvation – Hebrews 2:5-18

Jesus’ Great Salvation – Hebrews 2:5-18

In the 19th century, a Catholic priest, Father Damien, was known as the apostle to the lepers.  Leprosy was a problem in Hawaii at the time, and in order to prevent it’s spread, lepers were quarantined in a remote place, with little assistance from the outside world.   Realizing it was a death sentence, the Catholic Church did not require priests to go minister to these people in need, but instead looked for volunteers, and Father Damien was the first to go.  Six months later, he wrote to his family saying, “I make myself a leper with the lepers to gain all to Jesus Christ.”  After 10 years of ministry, he contracted leprosy, and for another 6 years, ministered to the needs of the people before his death.  In Hebrews 4 we find Jesus entering into the full human condition, becoming one of us, and taking upon himself the “disease” of humanity, in order to save humanity from sin & death.