Sermons on John

Sermons on John

Resurrection & Life – 1 Corinthians 15; John 11

There’s nothing more tragic than when Christians don’t live with a yearning for the hope of heaven. Many Christians I think not only don’t live with a yearning for heaven but have an expectation of heaven that’s characterized at best by boredom and at worst by dread.  In the Bible and especially in the NT, the hope of heaven is a real, full, life-giving joy-producing endurance-strengthening hope.  In modern-day terms the word “hope” is kind of an empty wish –…

The Saints – Acts 2:42-47, Romans 12:3-21, John 13:34-35

Origen (church leader in Egypt in 4th century): “Jesus is always being falsely accused… He is silent in the face of this and does not answer with his own voice. But he makes his defense in the lives of his genuine disciples, for their lives cry out the real facts and defeat all false charges.”  I wonder if he would he say the same thing about the church today?  What he’s saying is that the lives of Jesus’ disciples is…

Devoted to Prayer – John 15:17

Intro: Growing in Grace 3 things about prayer and then some specific applications: What prayer is; What prayer does; What prayer expresses; What prayer is: Speaking to God (speaking praise & adoration to him. This aspect of prayer doesn’t change anything but our own hearts. It enables us to love him more). John 15:7: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” Healthy relationships require communication.…

Jesus & Peter – John 21

In the epilogue to John’s gospel, we see Jesus’ interaction with Peter, which teaches us 3 things: 1) the ultimate question for the Christian is, “Do you love Jesus?”; 2) Love for Christ manifests itself in love for his people; 3) We too can be restored to Jesus by his grace when we falter and fail.

Jesus & the Witnesses – John 20

The fact of Jesus’ resurrection was central and pivotal to the earliest Christians. They, and all Christians after them, believe that Jesus’ resurrection is not just a myth or inspiring story, but a fact of history. In this climactic chapter of John’s gospel, we see Jesus’ resurrection appearances to the first witnesses of it. We see 1) eye-witnesses, 2) unsuspecting witnesses, 3) overcome witnesses, 4) sent witnesses, and 5) ear-witnesses.

Jesus & the Cross – John 19:17-30

The crucifixion of Jesus is a central aspect of the Christian faith. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. In John’s account of the crucifixion, we see 1) The Glory of the Cross, 2) The Suffering of the Cross, 3) The Finality of the Cross, 4) The Love of the Cross, and 5) The Grace of the Cross.

Jesus & Pilate – John 18:28-19:16

In this passage, Jesus is handed over to Pilate for questioning and his trial before the Roman authorities. We see 1) The Hypocrisy & Hardness of the Religious Leaders, 2) The Weakness of the Strong, and 3) The Strength of the Weak.