“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12
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God Calls Again…Jonah Goes – Jonah 3
God’s second call to Jonah shows us that, despite Jonah’s resistance, God is still committed to reaching the lost. It also shows us that God’s patience and willingness to use failures. Nineveh’s genuine repentance is a surprising contrasts to Jonah’s – which only appears to be skin-deep.
Jonah Sinks…God Saves – Jonah 1:17 – 2:10
We sometimes think that salvation is about us doing what we can and God meeting us halfway. But Jonah’s rescue from the depths of the sea is a picture of how we are rescued from sin & death: Jonah’s contribution is to sink in utter helplessness with nothing of his own to offer … God’s contribution is to graciously and powerfully accomplish his salvation. Jonah’s prayer in chapter 2 expresses his thankfulness for God’s gracious salvation. But, read in light of…
God Calls … Jonah Flees – Jonah 1:1-16
When God calls Jonah to go to Nineveh, he tries to flee. Though God is full of compassion, even for his enemies, Jonah lacks compassion and so wants no part of God’s mission. But God graciously pursues rebels like Jonah and like us.
The Kingdom of Heaven, Part 2 – Matthew 13:44 – 50
The second part of our short series on the Kingdom of Heaven. This week we see the two reactions one can have to Jesus and his Kingdom. One can either understand him and find joy and satisfaction, or one can reject him and face destruction.
The Kingdom of Heaven, Part 1 – Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
The first of two sermons on the Kingdom of Heaven. In this parable Jesus speaks to an audience that is losing faith in him. Seeking to assure them he teaches them that the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived, that he is in control of it and that it will one deal with all the problems in the world.
Outward Church – Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 28:16-20
The introduction to our series on Jonah doesn’t start in Jonah, but looks at Jesus’ “Great Commission”, which shows us the radical call of discipleship, the outward direction of the Church, and the promise of Jesus’ personal presence with us.
Brotherly Love – Hebrews 13
These concluding remarks from the author of Hebrews remind the Church that they are to be 1) a loving community 2) in a hostile world 3) with a faithful God. Because God is faithful, we can give our lives for him, knowing that we won’t be forsaken or abandoned.
An Unshakeable Kingdom – Hebrews 12:18-29
What would you expect a meeting with God to look and feel like? It all depends on whether grace is present. Three contrasts occur in this passage: between the earthly meeting and the heavenly meeting (reminding us of how grace enables us to draw near to God), between the earthly warning and the heavenly warning (reminding us to not let God’s message pass us by), and between the earthly shaking and the heavenly remaining (reminding us to live for the right kingdom, the only kingdom which…
Sexual Purity – Hebrews 12:14-16, 13:4
This passage shows us the high standard of sexual purity for the believer, and the sad example of Esau, who exemplifies sexual immorality and ungodliness. In order to honor marriage and live lives of purity, we should not delay marriage unnecessarily, not demand that it be more than God intended it to be, not demean the alternative calling of singleness, and not despise the sexually broken, but rather hold out the grace of Jesus which we all need.
Relational Peace – Hebrews 12:14-15
In human relationships, conflict abounds because people are sinners. And so, peace doesn’t come easily but is something that we need to strive after. Relationships get messy, and confession and forgiveness are needed. The gospel enables us to own up to our own sin, and empowers us to extend forgiveness when we’ve been wronged. In fact, the gospel is all about peace: that when we were God’s enemies, he reconciled us to himself through Christ, to make us his beloved sons…
Finding God’s Strength and Seeing God’s Hand – Hebrews 12:1-17
This passage challenges us to find God’s strength in a long race, and to see God’s hand in hard times. The Christian life is described as a long race, in which we need to strive with endurance; which we can only do as we look to Jesus for empowerment and strength. Further, it encourages us that hard times for the believer is God’s loving discipline, the presence of which assures us that God is our Father and is working for our good.
By Faith – Hebrews 11
This famous chapter recounts the lives of God’s faithful people in the Old Testament. Here we learn the Core of faith, the Content of faith, and the Cost of faith. These heroes of faith trusted in God’s promises and took God at his word, such that they could live as though God’s promises were certain even when their fulfillment seemed impossible, and as though God’s truth was ultimate even when obscured by their circumstances. Even when living by faith comes with a…