Sermons by Jeff Cottone (Page 20)

Sermons by Jeff Cottone (Page 20)

God the Father Almighty – Matthew 6:25-34 & Romans 8:14-17

When we declare our faith in God the Father Almighty, there’s a few things we’re not doing:  First: We’re not just declaring that we believe that there is a God; we’re declaring our faith – our trust and loyalty and allegiance to God.  We discussed this last week – that our faith isn’t merely intellectual assent that there is a God; but our faith is a personal trust in God, and a personal commitment to God, and a personal loyalty…

I Believe – Ephesians 4:1-6

“If we have one and the same faith in our heart, then we have one and the same confession in our mouth.” – John Calvin A regular part of our worship services, is to profess our faith using the Apostles Creed.  We do not “recite” the Apostles’ Creed. We profess the Apostles’ Creed – we profess the faith of our hearts through the words of the Creed because the words of the Creed are the essential elements of our one Christian…