The Sermon on the Mount (Page 2)

The Sermon on the Mount (Page 2)

Exceeding Righteousness – Matthew 5:17-20

The Sermon on the Mount is arguably Jesus’ most well known sermon. If you walked up to someone on the street and asked them what is one teaching of Jesus that you know, it’s likely they would draw from their knowledge of the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the poor…, Blessed are the peacemakers… However, as one person put it, “although it is one of the most well known, it is probably the least understood, and it’s certainly the least obeyed.” The sermon on the mount is challenging to live out and also challenging to understand.

Salt & Light – Matthew 5:13-16

In this passage, Jesus teaches us what kind of world we live in, how we are to live as his disciples in that world, and what the results are. Jesus calls his followers to live as salt & light in a decaying and dark world.
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