Ends of the Earth (Page 2)

Ends of the Earth (Page 2)

Sent – Acts 12:25 – 13:52

We see in this passage this new church taking the initiative to send out missionaries to establish new churches. The church is a sending church, because the church is a sent church: Christians are those who have been sent by God – reflecting God’s own sending of his son to seek and save the lost. Christians in a similar way are sent out into the world to reflect the Saving love of Jesus Christ to a lost & dying world. And because…

Prisoner & Prince – Acts 12:1-24

This passage contrasts the prisoner (Peter), rejected by the world but rescued by God; and the prince (King Herod), applauded by the world but rejected by God. It shows us how God rescues, and forces us to ask if we will live for God’s acceptance or the world’s. Sermon Text

Church-Planting – Acts 11:19-30

What we see here today marks a turning point, and now the church is ready to explode outward!  A whole group of Gentiles convert to Christianity, and the Gentile church is likely established.  The gospel spreading to the Gentiles shows to them, that there is no border for Christ!  Whether geographical, ethnic, cultural, whatever!  There is no square inch that is off-limits to him and there is no people or person that is not of interest to him or beyond his reach.…

Ministry Snapshots – Acts 9:19-43

In this passage we see 4 snapshots of different ministries in the early church: 1) the powerful preaching of Saul; 2) the miraculous miracles of Peter; 3) the encouraging ministry of Barnabas; 4) the ordinary ministry of Dorcas. Sermon Text

The God who Saves his Enemies – Acts 9:1-19

The conversion of Saul is a surprising turn of events in the story of Acts. We see in this passage that Saul 1) discovers a surprising truth; 2) encounters a surprising grace; 3) experiences a surprising transformation; and 4) receives a surprising welcome. Sermon Text

Scattered and Preaching – Acts 8:1-40

This passage teaches about evangelism. Specifically, that evangelism 1) involves normal Christians, 2) who take every opportunity, 3) to point people to Christ, 4) offering him to everyone, even the outsider. Sermon Text

The First Martyr – Acts 6:8 – 8:4

As a result of Stephen’s death, there breaks out a great persecution against the Church; which results in a great dispersion of the Church; which results in widespread evangelism by the Church. Despite the attempts to smother the gospel, the gospel spreads further still. Like trying to blow out a fire but instead only spreading sparks further outwards, persecution of the Church only spreads to further its witness in the world.  Stephen’s death was not in vain because a life lived for…

Unbreakable Bond – Acts 6:1-7

The problem of division, which threatens the unity of the church, is caused by differences among the people. The solution comes through is the diversity of gifts & callings, through hearts of service. Sermon Text

Unstoppable Gospel – Acts 5:12-42

The Gospel is always opposed; but the Gospel is never ultimately defeated. If Jesus was rejected and persecuted, then those who follow him faithfully will be as well. Yet, persecution serves only to strengthen the resolve of Christ’s disciples, and further the spread of that which it intends to stop. In this passage, we see the Opposition of Christ’s Enemies, and we see the Resolve of Christ’s Witnesses. Sermon Text

Generosity & Hypocrisy – Acts 4:32 – 5:11

This passage shows us the single-mindedness and single-heartedness of the early church. It also gives examples of 1) the beauty of seeking to become more generous than you are and 2) the danger of seeking to appear more generous than you are. Sermon Text