“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12
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Jesus Greater than Angels – Hebrews 1:5 – 2:4
We’re all worshipers, and we’re all looking for something worth giving our worship to – “something amazing”. But often what we allow to captivate our hearts leaves us longing. Jesus is presented as the Supreme being – even greater than angels. Though angels in our culture tend to bring to mind cute but unimpressive cartoon-figures, in the context of the Bible they were impressive, fearful creatures, which if you saw, you would be tempted to worship. Jesus is far supreme…
The Supremacy of Jesus – Hebrews 1:1-4
The story of Jesus’ transfiguration gives a good picture of the main point of the book of Hebrews. Though Peter puts Jesus on the same level as Moses and Elijah, God singles out and exalts Jesus, temporarily lifting the veil of his humanity to display his glory, while the others disappear. One writer summarizes it this way: “The glory associated with Moses and Elijah was so eclipsed by the infinitely greater glory connected with Christ, that they faded from view.” This…
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:1-7
Christmastime is a time of anticipation. One writer put it this way .. Christmastime is a time when Christians stand on tiptoe. You see this kind of anticipation in young children, when they can’t wait to rush downstairs and open their gifts to see what they got. They get to see if they really got what they were hoping and praying for, the desires of their heart. In Isaiah 9, we read that God is making a promise to His people,…
Christmas Eve Reflections
Reflections at our Christmas Eve service given by Jeff Cottone, Mike Kearney, and Troy Hostetter.
Do Not Worry – Matthew 6:25-34
Jesus teaches that worry is unproductive, unnecessary, & unworthy; and that freedom from worry comes from seeking the right treasure and trusting the right Person.
What Treasure do you Seek? – Matthew 6:19-24
We all seek after some kind of treasure in life. Jesus contrasts seeking 2 different treasures, living with 2 different perspectives, and serving 2 different masters. Which treasure do you seek: that which is unstable & insecure, or that which is eternally secure?
How to Pray – Matthew 6:7-15
Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray in 3 parts: Orientation of our hearts to know God as father; Devotion to God’s name, reign, and will; and Dependence upon God for all of our physical, spiritual, and moral needs.