“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12
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Jesus & the Divided – John 7:1-52
Division over Jesus is nothing new. What we see all throughout this chapter is summarized in verse 43: “So there was a division among the people over him.” In this chapter we look at 1) the nature of this division over Jesus, 2) the reasons for it, and 3) how we as followers of Christ should respond to it.
Jesus & the Deserters – John 6:36-46, 52-71
In this passage we see 1) the crowds desertion, set in contrast to 2) Peter’s declaration. The crowds are offended by Jesus’ teaching and “turn back and no longer walked with him” (v 66). Jesus’ challenging teaching sifts out the committed followers from the casual, the true disciples from the false. In contrast to the crowds, Peter and the other remaining disciples stand firm in their faith, against the current of popular opinion about Jesus. And, Jesus reminds his disciples…
Jesus & the Frightened – John 6:16-21
In this passage, we see that true followers of Christ face storms in life. And we see that 1) Jesus walks with us in the storm, 2) Jesus is the Lord of the storm, 3) Jesus speaks to us in the storm, and 4) Jesus delivers us through the storm.
Jesus & the Hungry – John 6:1-15, 22-35, 47-51
We all have a “spiritual hunger”, which ought to seek satisfaction in Jesus. But often, that spiritual hunger is misguided and seeks satisfaction in things which do not satisfy. Life is often “a terrible search for what we know ultimately won’t fulfill us.” Jesus claims to be the “bread of life”, such that whoever believes in him shall not hunger, but live forever. Just as bread is the most basic, central, essential necessity of life, Jesus claims that he is the…
Jesus & the Witnesses – John 5:30-47
A witness gives supporting evidence to testify to the truth of something. In this passage, Jesus teaches that his radical claims about himself do not simply originate with himself and are not only attested to by himself, but gives 5 “witnesses” which testify to the truth of his claims. Jesus radical claims can’t be toned down… either he is a lunatic, making arrogant claims about his own divinity and making power-hungry demands that his followers worship him and give up their lives…
Jesus & the Claim – John 5:16-29, 37-38
[This sermon was not recorded] Sometimes we fail to see and appreciate the radical nature of the claims which Jesus made about himself. In this passage, the religious leaders seek to kill him because of his claim that God is his Father and he is equal to God. As Christians, we consider ourselves sons and daughters of God, but Jesus is the Son of God in a unique and unparalleled way. In fact, Jesus never referred to God as “Our Father” including us; but…
Jesus & the Helpless – John 5:1-18
One of the most widely known bible verses in America is: “God helps those who help themselves”. The only problem is that this isn’t in the bible. In fact, it runs counter to the biblical reality that God helps the helpless (Psalm 72:12-13). God’s salvation and blessing doesn’t come to self-reliant people, but to weak, poor, needy, helpless people who look to God for his gift of grace. We, like this man in this text, are ‘spiritually paralyzed’ before Christ comes into…
Jesus & the Desperate – John 4:43-54
In this passage we see that 1) faith comes from the least likely of places, and 2) faith comes from the most desperate of places. What brings this man to Jesus is his desperate need; and that is what should bring us as well – a realization of how desperately needy we are. And, what this man gets from Jesus is just a bare word – a promise, which he is left to trust. We stand in the same place –…
Jesus & the Outcast – John 4:1-42
[This sermon was not recorded]. In this interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman, we see that Jesus brings 1) universally-needed grace, 2) outward reaching compassion, and 3) abundant satisfaction. We are all, like this woman, spiritually thirsty, and we all look to the wrong things – idols – to satisfies us; but Jesus is the living water – who abundantly satisfies our spiritual thirst.
Jesus & the Teacher – John 3:1-21
CS Lewis said that Christ came not to simply make nice people; he came to make new people: “For mere improvement is not redemption…God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man. It is not like teaching a horse to jump better and better but like turning a horse into a winged creature.” Many people think that deep down we are all decent people, and…
Jesus & the Temple – John 2:13-25
Many people picture Jesus as someone who would never confront or challenge anyone, but would only affirm everything about us. But a Jesus who affirms everything about us is a “Jesus” of our own making, which ultimately is nothing more than our own reflection in the mirror. This passage teaches us that Jesus confronts false, corrupt religion, and that he establishes true, pure religion as the true Temple – the true reality of “God with us”.
Jesus & the Wedding – John 2:1-12
Many people think that this life is a thriving party – full of joy – and that Jesus came to put an end to that: that Jesus came to bring stern serious strict rules which exist solely for the sake of repressing and ceasing enjoyment in life. But this passage teaches us that this world is not a thriving party, but a dying party: joy dissipates and inevitably runs out, and that Jesus came to restore joy – abundant and superior joy…