Sermons (Page 36)

Sermons (Page 36)

“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12

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Savior of Sinners – Matthew 1:18-25

In this passage we see 1) the virgin conception & birth of Jesus, 2) the naming of Jesus, and 3) Joseph’s response to the angel’s news about Jesus. The virgin birth is necessary, because without it, Jesus would not be fully human and fully divine. If he had two human parents, he would be merely human – just like us, another sinner in need of a savior. He would be “with us”, but he couldn’t be “God with us”. If…

King of Grace – Matthew 1:1-17

Matthew’s gospel begins the Christmas story with the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew is showing us who Jesus is, by telling us where he comes from: Jesus is King. In the genealogy Matthew shows us that Jesus is the eternal King, the universal King, and the King of grace.

Bearing Burdens – Galatians 6:1-6

Christians are people who bear the burdens of one another. Bearing burdens, by nature, is not easy or convenient, but love and humility enable us to move out of isolation and indifference into a place of readiness and willingness both to share our burdens and meet the burdens of others. The church is a place where not only burdens exist, but also where sin persists, and so Christians ought to, in gentleness and humility, help one another out of remaining caught in those sins.

Life in the Spirit – Galatians 5:13-26

Up to this point, Galatians has focused on how we are not living “under the law”. Here, Paul shifts the focus: we now live “in the Spirit”. Life in the Spirit is 1) a life of love, 2) a life of conflict, and 3) a life of fruitfulness.

Obeying the Truth – Galatians 5:7-12

Paul describes the Christian life 1) as a race that must be finished and 2) as a race with obstacles and hindrances. One particular hindrance which Paul focuses on here is that of false teaching and false teachers. Teaching the truth is a responsibility of the church, and so learning & obeying the truth is our responsibility as Christians. The truth of the gospel is not only to be believed, but to be lived out.

Christ vs. Circumcision – Galatians 5:2-6, 11

Paul warns the Galatians that if they let themselves be circumcised, they 1) make Christ of no value to them, 2) are obligated to obey the whole law, and 3) have been cut off from Christ and have fallen away from grace. In this context, circumcision wasn’t just about circumcision but was representative of another gospel, a false gospel, no gospel at all – the gospel of self-salvation through self-righteousness. In seeking to add to Christ, they are denying Christ…