“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12
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Goodness – Galatians 5:22
People love HGTV, especially the renovation shows. It really is amazing to see how a broken down, unmaintained, and sometimes unsafe house, can be restored to its former glory, and be remade into something so new that even though it is the same house, it is often indistinguishable from what it once was. Why do you think people enjoy watching these shows? There may be many reasons, but one reason is that people are drawn to the reality of renovation,…
Kindness – Galatians 5:22
Click here for the follow-up devotional. Click here for sermon transcript.
Peace – Galatians 5:22
Click here for the follow-up devotional guide. Click here for sermon transcript.
Joy – Galatians 5:22
Click here for follow-up devotional. Click here for sermon transcript.
Love – Galatians 5:22
Click here for sermon transcript.
Into Exile – Matthew 2:13-23
No recording available for this sermon.
Savior of Sinners – Matthew 1:18-25
In this passage we see 1) the virgin conception & birth of Jesus, 2) the naming of Jesus, and 3) Joseph’s response to the angel’s news about Jesus. The virgin birth is necessary, because without it, Jesus would not be fully human and fully divine. If he had two human parents, he would be merely human – just like us, another sinner in need of a savior. He would be “with us”, but he couldn’t be “God with us”. If…
King of Grace – Matthew 1:1-17
Matthew’s gospel begins the Christmas story with the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew is showing us who Jesus is, by telling us where he comes from: Jesus is King. In the genealogy Matthew shows us that Jesus is the eternal King, the universal King, and the King of grace.