Sermons (Page 35)

Sermons (Page 35)

“For the Word of God is alive and active.” – HEbrews 4:12

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How Our World Points Us to God – Genesis 1:1, Romans 1:18-23

John Calvin wrote: “God daily discloses himself in the whole workmanship of the universe. As a consequence, humanity cannot open their eyes without being compelled to see God”. God reveals himself through the world around us. This sermon considers how the following questions of existence point us to God’s reality and our need to seek, know, and worship him: 1) Why is there something instead of nothing? 2) Why is there order instead of chaos? 3) Why do we live in an inescapable moral…

God the Creator – Genesis 1:1-31

Genesis 1 through 3 is like an overture of the Bible.  It’s like an overture of an opera or a musical.  It comes at the beginning, and is distinct and unique in itself, but it introduces the musical themes that you will hear throughout the rest of the composition.  Genesis 1 is similar to that, in that it is unique and distinct in itself.  There is no other part of the Bible that is quite like it.  And of course,…

Gentleness – Galatians 5:23

In Scripture, gentleness is a frequently commanded trait of a Christian, yet it is often overlooked.  For example, there have been many books written on the topic of Christian masculinity, yet how many of those books place any emphasis on the fruit of gentleness in the life of the Christian man?  Most seem to be driven more by cultural considerations rather than Scripture in this regard.  Every fruit that the Spirit produces should be evident in all believers, including men.…

Faithfulness – Galatians 5:22

As Christians, we are often tempted to think that, during the times of adversity and difficulty in life, we are excused from our obligations to God and permitted to pause our faithfulness to Him.  We say to ourselves, “Once the adversity and difficulty is over, then I will be faithful.”  Nothing can be further from the truth.  In doing this we miss the purpose of adversity and difficulty .. as they are meant for our good.  The wilderness wanderings of…