Sermons by Jeff Cottone (Page 28)

Sermons by Jeff Cottone (Page 28)

The First Martyr – Acts 6:8 – 8:4

As a result of Stephen’s death, there breaks out a great persecution against the Church; which results in a great dispersion of the Church; which results in widespread evangelism by the Church. Despite the attempts to smother the gospel, the gospel spreads further still. Like trying to blow out a fire but instead only spreading sparks further outwards, persecution of the Church only spreads to further its witness in the world.  Stephen’s death was not in vain because a life lived for…

Unbreakable Bond – Acts 6:1-7

The problem of division, which threatens the unity of the church, is caused by differences among the people. The solution comes through is the diversity of gifts & callings, through hearts of service. Sermon Text

Unstoppable Gospel – Acts 5:12-42

The Gospel is always opposed; but the Gospel is never ultimately defeated. If Jesus was rejected and persecuted, then those who follow him faithfully will be as well. Yet, persecution serves only to strengthen the resolve of Christ’s disciples, and further the spread of that which it intends to stop. In this passage, we see the Opposition of Christ’s Enemies, and we see the Resolve of Christ’s Witnesses. Sermon Text

Generosity & Hypocrisy – Acts 4:32 – 5:11

This passage shows us the single-mindedness and single-heartedness of the early church. It also gives examples of 1) the beauty of seeking to become more generous than you are and 2) the danger of seeking to appear more generous than you are. Sermon Text

Divine Power – Acts 3:1-26

The Gospel is Divine power. It is “the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.” This miracle is an example of the Divine power that the gospel brings. If we have come to Christ in faith, then we have become recipients of that Divine power; and we can be conduits of that Divine power. In Peter’s speech we see that this Divine power forgives us of our sins, and promises to bring about the restoration of all things.…

The Spirit-Filled Community – Acts 2:41-47

The Spirit of Jesus creates a community of Jesus to reach the community for Jesus. This Spirit-filled community has 4 characteristics: they are 1) a worshiping church, 2) a learning church, 3) a loving church, 4) a growing church. Sermon Text

The Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-41

In Acts 2 we see the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the Church on the day of Pentecost. In this event, we learn that 1) The Spirit is the powerful presence of God to empower His church; 2) The Spirit enables the communication of the Gospel to all people; and 3) The Spirit democratizes the knowledge of God. In Peter’s sermon we see his proclamation of the Gospel and his appeal to his listeners to respond in faith and repentance.  Sermon…

The Twelve Apostles – Acts 1:12-26

Judas’ had betrayed Jesus by handing him over to his enemies. Yet, his betrayal only served to accomplish what God had planned. Here in Acts, he is replaced so that there are once again 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. In this passage, we learn about the Nature of God’s plan, and the Unique Role of the Apostles. Sermon Text

Ends of the Earth – Acts 1:1-11

Before his ascension, Jesus gives his apostles the commission to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. And, he promises that after his ascension, he will give them the Holy Spirit to empower them to embrace this mission. Sermon Text