Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

Under Arrest – Acts 21-23

In this longer section of the book of Acts we see 4 main things: Paul the Disciple, Paul the Misunderstood, Paul in Chains, and Paul on Trial. Sermon Text 

The Gospel goes to Ephesus – Acts 18:18 – 19:41

What is the result of the gospel encountering a life; a human heart; a culture? When the gospel encounters Ephesus, rioting results, because the gospel challenges that culture’s idols and clashes with it’s cherished beliefs, values, and lifestyles. We should not be surprised when the same thing happens in our culture today, or when the gospel challenges the idols of our own hearts.  Sermon Text

The Gospel goes to Corinth
Acts 18:1-17

Paul is confident to carry out his calling to preach Jesus in Corinth because of the promise he receives of divine protection, and the assurance he receives of divine election. He knows, as can we, that through the  words of Jesus’ messengers, the Good Shepherd calls out to his own sheep; and though our words are imperfect and inadequate, His voice –  the voice of the Good Shepherd – rings out loud and clear through our dull words; His sheep hear…

The Gospel goes to Thessalonica & Berea
Acts 17:1-15

The faithful preaching of God’s Word is vital to the life of the Church. In Thessalonica, we see how Scripture was essential to Paul’s ministry, along with a model example of how Paul preached. In Berea, we see a model example of how his hearers listened and responded to his preaching. Sermon Text

The Gospel Goes to Philippi
Acts 16:6-40

Have you ever encountered a road-block in life? And had to sort of take a detour from your intended plan? Perhaps you feel that your whole life has been one giant road-block. Paul and his companions end up in Philippi, even though that wasn’t the initial plan for their destination, because they encounter a roadblock along the way. But what we see is that the road-block is really a divine detour which God uses to guide them along the path of…

Sad Departure, New Partnership
Acts 15:36 – 16:5

Disagreement causes Paul and Barnabas, friends and partners in the gospel, to part ways. Despite this sad departure, God graciously brings good from it by forming 2 missionary teams instead of 1, reaching more people and places with the good news of Jesus. Sermon Text

A Crucial Debate – Acts 15:1-35

This debate over circumcision is actually a debate about 2 crucial matters of the Christian Faith: 1) the truth of the Gospel of Jesus; and 2) the unity of the Church of Jesus. The outcome of the council confirms that nothing needs to be added to faith in Christ in order to be saved and enter fully into the people of God; and it encourages people to live in a way that will build unity rather than tear it apart.

Opposed – Acts 14:1-28

Last week we looked at how Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the church. This week we see that at soon as they are sent out by the church, they are opposed by the world, because the gospel is the great dividing line between the church and the world. But despite that opposition, the gospel prevails: churches are established and grow, and the gospel spreads further. Sermon Text

Sent – Acts 12:25 – 13:52

We see in this passage this new church taking the initiative to send out missionaries to establish new churches. The church is a sending church, because the church is a sent church: Christians are those who have been sent by God – reflecting God’s own sending of his son to seek and save the lost. Christians in a similar way are sent out into the world to reflect the Saving love of Jesus Christ to a lost & dying world. And because…

Prisoner & Prince – Acts 12:1-24

This passage contrasts the prisoner (Peter), rejected by the world but rescued by God; and the prince (King Herod), applauded by the world but rejected by God. It shows us how God rescues, and forces us to ask if we will live for God’s acceptance or the world’s. Sermon Text