Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries

“…Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, For the Kingdom belongs to such as these…” – Luke 18:16

Jesus allowed children special, privileged, & unhindered access to him. This is the goal of our children’s ministry: to give children, special, privileged, & unhindered access to Jesus and the truths of the gospel. We have a lot of kids at Redeemer, and always love to see more. We take seriously the call for parents & church family to point kids to Jesus and nurture them in the faith.

Children’s Church

You are welcome to keep your children with you during worship. Or, for your convenience we have a nursery (ages 0-2) throughout the service, and Children’s Church (ages 3-8) beginning before the sermon, where kids can learn in an environment tailored for them (Children’s Church is offered only on the first 3 Sundays of the month. On Sundays when there is no Children’s Church, the nursery is extended to age 5).